Saturday, July 31, 2010

No Turning Back Now

I just dropped off everything for the Iowa State Fair. I submitted everything that I mentioned in my previous post. Plus these three:

Division 55 - Crochet

Class 92 - Fashion Accessory
City Girl Cap

Division 56 - Hand Knitting

Class 101 - Baby Sweater or Dress

Class 120 - Cap or hat (two or more colors)
Olympic Junkie Hat (sorry, I forgot to photograph this one before I took it)

I really don't think either of these hats will win anything, but it never hurts to try!


  1. Good Luck! I like your photo posing very much.

  2. You selected very fabulous things to enter and I love that you knitted right down to the wire! I can't wait to see the entries in the fair and I'm sure there will be some ribbons for you!

  3. I'm sure there will be ribbons too. I love the I can has corndog? sign.

  4. That cat's too cool to buy a corn dog. He just hangs out by the corn dog stand looking aloof.

    And yeah, not that I know a thing about knitting, but I sure think your stuff looks great. I also vote that you win stuff! :)
