Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School

It's that time of year again. Fair warning - I might have to go MIA from the blog again. I'm working a lot after a coworker left this summer, and now I'm taking 6 credits during the fall semester. I'm not complaining (yet). I'm just forseeing some busy months ahead.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I've got results to share! I'm completely overwhelmed by the ribbons I was awarded.

Division 55 - Crochet Class 90 - Sweater
Northern Dreams Pullover - Fourth
Division 55 - Crochet Class 92 - Fashion Accessory

City Girl Cap - Second

Division 55 - Crochet Class 95 - Toy
Hep Cat - Second
Division 55 - Crochet Class 96 - Ornaments (set of three)
Triple Crochet Snowflake
My Favorite Snowflake
and Northern Snowflake - Second
Division 56 - Hand Knitting Class 101 - Baby Sweater or Dress

Another Striped Baby Sweater - First

Division 56 - Hand Knitting Class 114 - Lace, any item
Red Hot Mountain - Fourth
Division 56 - Hand Knitting Class 115 - Socks/Slippers (one color)
Monkey Socks - Fourth

Division 56 - Hand Knitting Class 120 - Cap or hat (two or more colors)

Olympic Junkie Hat - First

Division 56 - Hand Knitting Class 121 - Scarf
Drop Stitch Scarf - Honorable Mention

I also got to see some really stunning pieces in the Fabric and Threads department and I'm so glad that I decided to participate this year. In fact, I'm already planning some projects for next year!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Tonight is the Fabric and Threads exhibit preview at the Iowa State Fair. This means that I'll find out whether I received any awards on my entries. I'm excited to find out the results, but I'll admit this doesn't feel much like a typical competition to me.

I've always been a competitive person. Growing up I used to participate in tae kwon do tournaments. I placed pretty high expectations on myself at those tournaments, and typically did pretty well. Now I just have to figure out what I should do with those damned trophies.

My job is also extremely competitive. We constantly have to bid against other companies for contracts. We win some, we lose some, but the competition is constantly there.

The Iowa State Fair doesn't feel like that at all. I feel like Iowa's knitters are all cooperating to put on a show. I would certainly feel honored if I'm awarded anything, but I'm mostly interested in viewing the collected efforts of my community of artists. (And hoping that we put on a better show than the quilters!!!)